Top Vegetarian Protein-Rich Foods and their Benefits

Top Vegetarian Protein-Rich Foods and their Benefits

Introduction to Vegetarian Protein-Rich Foods

Every cell present in our body requires enough protein to sustain and keep our body healthy by all means. It indicates that protein is in charge of cell repair and regeneration. As a result, getting an adequate value of protein diet is critical. Non-vegetarian foods like meat and eggs are believed to be the best sources of protein. However, not every individual consumes meat; hence concentrating on vegetarian protein-rich foods is highly recommended. Honestly, veg foods are the only option left.

According to studies, people who consume vegetarian protein-rich foods witness decreased risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and other illnesses. Keep in mind that the protein content in any vegetable will vary depending on how it is prepared.

Before we look into the list of vegetarian protein-rich foods, let us check why a protein diet is essential.

Here are five compelling reasons to make sure you get enough protein every day:

1. Helps to Build Body– Protein is a critical component of bones, muscles, and skin. Protein makes up the majority of your hair and nails. The right amount of protein consumption can help in building vital areas of your body.

2. Repairs– It helps your body create and repair tissue.

3. Oxygen Supply– Hemoglobin, a protein molecule found in red blood cells transports oxygen throughout the body. This aids in the delivery of nutrients to your entire body.

4. Better Digestion– About half of the vegetarian protein-rich foods you eat each day are used to make enzymes, which assist indigestion, as well as new cells and body chemicals.

5. Regulating Hormones– Protein is crucial for hormone control, particularly during cell transformation and development throughout puberty.

Since amino acids are linked in long chains, protein is made up of them, also known as building blocks. It’s also referred to as a “macronutrient,” which means you’ll need a lot of it to be healthy.

If you have an athlete body, consuming the right amount of vegetarian protein-rich food will bring a massive difference to your practice.

Let us now list down top vegetarian protein-rich foods which you can consume in your diet-

• Lentils


One of the most common vegetarian protein-rich foods, Lentils, when combined with pulses, sources a good volume of protein to our body. They are a good source of fiber and carry low-fat content. Each bean has its unique set of health-promoting properties. Rajma/ Beans, for example, are high in phosphorus, required for the formation of strong bones. Green lentils, chickpeas, and kidney beans are some legumes or lentils you should add to a daily diet. Kidney beans provide 17 grams of protein per cup and potassium and complex carbs and provide 50%   of the daily need. You won’t find a better choice that is both affordable and readily available. The best part is dry lentils cook up within 15 mins.

• Soy


According to some nutritionists, Soy is considered a complete package of protein that lowers blood pressure and helps to oxidize LDL cholesterol. It is one of the best vegetarian protein-rich foods to include in your diet. A typical Indian diet does not include soy on a factual basis. However, many do include it in the diet. People drink Soy milk. Soy milk is prepared from filtered water and soybeans. Unsweetened soy milk carries 7 grams   of protein per cup. When compared to cow’s milk, it is low in carbohydrates and lipids. It’s also ideal for lactose-intolerant folks. Many even go for the Soya atta/flour used for preparing chapatti or Indian flatbread.

• Nuts

Nuts are considered superfoods. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews carry a high source of protein required by our body. They’re also high in iron, calcium, and vitamins A and B. Purchase a mixed bag, season with masala and a pinch of salt, and serve around teatime. Toss them into a bowl of oatmeal or muesli, or blend them into nut butter and spread over bread. Consuming a handful of mixed nuts on an empty stomach is an excellent way to start the day. You can also choose any natural nut butter, such as peanut butter, high in protein.

• Seeds

Seeds are also protein powerhouses. For example, sunflower seeds include 5.5 grams of protein per 100 calories  . They’re also quite adaptable. You can add them with oatmeal, cornflakes, or cereal, toast them briefly and sprinkle them on soups, or add them to stir-fries and salad dressings, just like nuts. Sesame seeds, which are high in protein, are a great way to replenish plant proteins.

• Ancient Grains

Among the vegetarian protein-rich foods, ancient grains like oats, wheat, and millets are packed with a good source of protein. Breakfast oatmeal and Bajre ki roti/pearl millet flatbread are great methods to boost your protein intake. You can even include Rajgira/Amaranth, which isn’t technically a grain but is frequently considered as one. As per the Whole Grain Council, at around 13-14%  , it significantly exceeds the protein level of most of the other cereals.

• Fruits


It’s good for hair and it is also one of the best foods for weight loss. Consuming approx. 30 ml daily can significantly reduce your waist circumference. Coconut oil helps in burning excess body fat. When the fat percentage in our body is more, it can lead to inflammation and make us feel puffed up. The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil aids in burning fat and making the fat cells produce more energy, thus productively utilizing them. 

• Dairy Products


Protein is abundant in dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese. You can include them as part of a vegetarian protein-rich foods diet. However, Greek yogurt, which is by far the healthiest choice, ranks highest. Six ounces include 15 grams of protein  , which is three times as much as regular yogurt. The best thing is that it’s low in fat and high in probiotics, both of which are beneficial to gut health.


Consuming this mentioned list of vegetarian protein-rich foods will only benefit if consumed in the right amount, followed by a regular workout. You can connect with our nutrition experts at IFM Core Studio where you will get personalized coaching to have the right diet. Click Here.

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