Look out for the Best Foods for Weight Loss

Look out for the Best Foods for Weight Loss

Have you been working out regularly and pumping those weights but still struggling to push back the needle on your weighing scale? The answer to this mystery lies in the food you eat. There is nothing wrong with your exercise regime. Maybe it’s time to for you review your diet. We often think that the best way to cut weight is by eating less but we forget that the key lies in eating the right foods. If you want your workout regime to work and shed a few pounds, then you must add these best foods for weight loss to your next grocery shopping list. 

Let’s have a look at some of the best foods for weight loss that are going to accelerate your weight loss journey. 


• Apple

Fruits are greatas part of diet food. But when it comes to some of the best foods for weight loss, apple has always been the underdog. We’ve all heard of the adage, an apple a day keeps the doctor away but most of us do not know that it keeps the ‘weight monster’ away too. Apples are a treasure trove of antioxidants that help in removing toxins from our bodies. Toxins cause inflammation in the body and lead to unwanted weight gain. Apple is also rich in fiber. There are almost 5 grams  of fiber in one apple which gives you a feeling of fullness throughout the day. The result – you’re craving calorie-heavy snacks goes down. The fiber in apples also leads to a healthy gut microbiome which in turn gives you a great metabolism. 

• Bananas

Bananas do not make you fat. In fact, they are one of the best foods for weight loss. There, we’ve said it and broken the myth that has stopped you from reaching out for this amazing fruit every day. The high fiber content of bananas makes you burn fat faster. The best time to have a banana is before or after your workout. Bananas have a low GI, are low in fat but rich in antioxidants. You can have them with milk, eggs, oats, and almonds as a healthy snack or a breakfast option. 

• Sabja/Chia seeds

They’ve already had their share of the limelight a few years ago but this forgotten hero works wonders for weight loss. Just two tablespoons of chia seeds have 10 grams  of fiber which makes up for 40% of the recommended fiber intake for the day. You can use them in your smoothies, yogurt, or pudding as when soaked in liquid the seeds expand, making you feel full. If you like the crunchiness, sprinkle them on your salad. 

• Daliya

Daliya is great with milk as long as you substitute sugar with sugar substitutes like jaggery (you can add your daily dose of dry fruits to it for the crunch). You can also have it as a full meal, laden with the goodness of seasonal veggies. Daliya is rich in both fiber as well as protein, making it one of the best foods for weight loss. While the fiber content in daliya keeps you satiated and helps in regulating your bowel movements, the protein in it takes longer to digest and stops you from reaching out for too many snacks. 

• Moong dal/Skinned Green Gram

Have it as dal with chapattis, make a spinach and moong dal soup or grind it to make chillas (moong dal pancake); moong dal is hailed as one of the best foods for weight loss. It gives you protein, fiber, and flavor. Moong dal is an easy-to-digest lentil and contains several nutrients such as Vitamin A, C, B, E, calcium, potassium, and iron. When making it as dal, temper it with ghee which is also one of the best foods for weight loss. You can also add some veggies to your moong dal chillas/pancake.

• Cholay/Chickpeas

If you’re a vegetarian, then chickpeas are a good source of protein. They keep you full and can be consumed in so many different forms. Boiled chickpeas can be added to salads or cooked with gravy. You can also make delicious kebabs out of them. Studies have shown that people eating chickpeas every day have experienced up to 25%  weight loss. 

• Coconut oil

It’s good for hair and it is also one of the best foods for weight loss. Consuming approx. 30 ml daily can significantly reduce your waist circumference. Coconut oil helps in burning excess body fat. When the fat percentage in our body is more, it can lead to inflammation and make us feel puffed up. The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil aids in burning fat and making the fat cells produce more energy, thus productively utilizing them. 

• Palak/Spinach

No weight loss regime is complete without a daily intake of leafy greens. Spinach is high on nutrients and low on calories. It has Vitamin K, C, A, iron, folate, calcium, zinc, fiber, and protein. One cup of this super healthy vegetable contains only 10 calories  and its fiber content keeps the digestive tract happy by fighting constipation.

• Eggs

Last but not in any way the least, comes the humble egg. They are loaded with nutrients, proteins and are available all year round. If you want to lose weight you need to up your protein intake and egg is the easiest way to do that. There are 53 calories, 12 grams of protein, 0.6 grams of carbohydrates, and 0.2 grams of fat in a 100-gram portion of egg white.  Having only egg whites is a healthier option as it has lesser calories and fat.


Think of your weight loss journey as a bicycle that runs on two wheels. One wheel is the workout program you follow and the other is the food you have. Unless both wheels are in tandem, your bicycle is not going to take you places. Consider giving a complete makeover to your diet routine with this list of best foods for weight loss. A lot of times we forget that mindful eating plays a very important role in weight loss just like the right workout program. So, while you make changes to your diet, sign up for a workout program too for losing weight and staying fit.

IFM Core Studio is a premium gym that offers a variety of fitness programs. Visit www.corestudio.indianfitnessmantra.com to further information. Alternately, you can directly check our Nutritional Consultation Services or contact us for any enquiry.

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