
Make your Home your Fitness Destination!

Access THE BEST fitness consultation and training from the convenience of your home.

The IFM Core Studio’s personal trainer-backed workout at home is now a cakewalk. Our trainers will train you in the comfort of your home. With our unique style of fitness training, you do not need any heavy and pricy equipment to work with. This makes home training an irresistible fitness and lifestyle choice.


Why go for home training?

The hassles of commuting are no secret. And coupled with the CoVID-safety concerns, home training becomes even more significant in these times. It gives you a sense of comfort, stability with no scope for an excuse to skip the training and expertise within the confines of your home. In the long run, it also saves resources like time and money.

At IFM Core Studio, we provide personal trainers who will come down to your home and provide personalized and structured training sans the use of any heavy and costly equipment. Our mission is to help our clients achieve the same goals at home that they would achieve at the studio.


What do you get under IFM home training service?

Our certified fitness experts with 20,000+ hours of experience and a record of 100+ client transformations will educate you across the various fitness domains. It includes instructions about the proper form and advantages of the specific exercise, diet, mental health training plans that reduce the risk of injuries, and incorrect assumptions.

Cater to personal requirements
Reduced dependency on machines
Goal-oriented focus
Mental fitness training like yoga & meditation
Online Training to curb the spread of CoVID-19
Frequently reviewed training and nutrition charts

How our services will change you?

IFM Core Studio commits you to an overall transformation. Our home training program is perfect for anyone who has a history of skipping schedules and does not like to commute. Our experts are known for their consistency and perseverance. They will be actively involved in all the aspects of your fitness plan – physical, mental, nutritional, and lifestyle patterns to promote a healthier YOU!



I started with IFM a few months ago post the CoVID lockdown was lifted. It changed me drastically. I thought it would be a boring workout at home, as I was used to regular gyms. But during this pandemic, all gyms are usually closed. So, I started home training with IFM and now I do not think I will ever go back to regular gyming. I can stay at home and become healthy!

Sheeja Ravindran

I dislike going to the gym and lifting heavy equipment. Before IFM, I had tried various gyms and consultants. They never worked. Not only does my body look good now, but I also feel good inside out.

Anil Bhat

Home training is a god sent for people like me. It keeps me motivated and consistent. After my trainer arrives home, I do not have any excuses to get out of training. Also, I do not feel tired post workout or bored during the session. I just love how they incorporate more and more variety to provide overall training.

Shruti Seth

Thank you so much IFM core studio. I love the digital workout. All the instructors are highly trained and I am very satisfied with their service.

Vicky Lalwani

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes. With our training structure that gives you a comprehensive workout; a home training program can be just as beneficial as a gym workout. If you're debating whether to buy some home gym equipment, then we are the answer; because we aim to reduce machine dependency and transform you into experts.

    Yes, we give you a certified nutrition consultation as per your body requirement. We conduct a complete evaluation of body and mind health levels and design your chart. This includes an account of your allergies, past medical records, family history, etc.

    We do not let you get bored. Our workout plans and personal instructors are trained to accommodate greater variety and fun activities to keep boredom at bay. IFM Core Studio programs are highly motivating and interesting.

    The workout sessions will take place at your home so you can get the undivided attention of your personal trainer. But if you want our trainer to visit you at some other location for the workout, then we will take that into consideration. Please get in touch with your queries.



    There is a plethora of knowledge regarding fitness and best workouts making the rounds in the market. Our instructors are certified experts who are willing to share their insights and break some myths while educating you on the specifics of each workout and diet. We have dedicated this space to discuss all the topics that you may consider important in your day-to-day life.
