Simple Ways to Balance Your Chakras

What exactly are 7 Chakras?

In Sanskrit, the term chakra means “wheel.” According to ancient belief, our energy moves through 7 chakras in two ways. The energy moves out of the body as it turns clockwise. A counterclockwise movement draws energies from the outside into the body. They have no physical form, but they interact with our physical body via their vehicles – the neurological and endocrine systems. Just as blood arteries are necessary for the circulatory system, nadis — little energy routes that travel through the body – are necessary for the body. The 7 chakras are the points at which different nadis meet. 

What exactly is the balancing of the 7 Chakras?

The 7 chakras function as a unified system. When one of the 7 chakras is blocked, the others compensate. This throws the entire system off balance. You reestablish an even flow of energy via the chakra balancing methods. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways.

What are the body's 7 Chakras?

What are the body's 7 Chakras

There are 7 chakras located at seven separate locations in the body. Each chakra corresponds to a separate set of organs and systems.

• Svadisthana, the Sacral Chakra

• Anahata, the Heart Chakra

• Ajna, the Third Eye Chakra

• Muladhara, the Root Chakra

• Manipura, the Solar Plexus Chakra

• Vishuddhi, the Throat Chakra

• Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra


How does the Chakra System function?

In the human body, there are 7 primary chakras. All of these chakras are located along the spine, near the major Susumna Nadi. Each chakra is connected with a unique set of psychological and physical traits.

These energy wheels can become clogged and produce blockages. These stumbling blocks are caused by poor food choices, stress, and a lack of exercise. Mental diseases, such as depression, have a significant influence on our chakras. Hence, it is essential to learn how to unblock the chakras.

5 Simple Ways of chakra alignment

There are a few simple techniques that will help you understand how to clear blocked chakras or chakra alignment: 

1.The practice of meditation

This is one of the most effective methods for chakra balancing. Each chakra is connected with a color and a ‘beej mantra’ or ‘seed sound.’ These, when combined, can help you go deeper into your meditation and make it more profound. Concentrate on removing any emotional impediments from your life by envisioning them leaving your body. This technique will liberate you from such attachments.


Yoga is a powerful tool for balancing the chakras. Yoga can help you build flexibility, strength, stamina, and mobility in your joints and muscles; much as meditation can help you visualize and focus on removing an emotional obstruction in your life. Visualize the colors connected with the chakra you are focused on while you complete the poses. Your physical body will be free of stiffness and tension as a result of the postures. The energy may flow freely when your body opens up. Your wheels may be balanced with a continuous flow of energy. Each chakra has its own set of yoga asanas that serve to balance it.



Pranayama is a breathing practice that not only relaxes the body but also allows energy to flow through it. Nadi Shodhana, or alternating nostril breathing, is the finest pranayama for chakra balance. In this method, you must close one nostril and then take deep breaths in and out of the other nostril. For the same amount of breaths, repeat the process from both nostrils. It will balance the nadis as well as connect the left and right hemispheres of the brain, reducing anxiety and tension.

4.The use of chakra colors


You must learn how to balance your chakras with crystals. Crystals have a unique energy and can assist you in connecting with various aspects of your awareness. Each chakra is connected with a distinct gem that delivers the most advantages. You must select the gemstone that corresponds to the wheel you are focused on. You may also take one of each for a complete chakra balancing. These crystals must be kept near you while you meditate for the crystal’s energy to be boosted. Here’s a list of all the chakras and the stones that correspond to them:

There are 7 chakra colors: 

• Root chakra: Red
hematite, garnet, obsidian

Sacral chakra: Orange
carnelian, amber, topaz

Solar plexus chakra: Yellow
citrine, jasper, tiger’s eye

• Heart chakra: Green
rose quartz, amazonite, malachite

• Throat chakra: Blue
turquoise, aquamarine

• Third eye chakra: Indigo
amethyst, lapis lazuli

• Crown chakra: Violet
clear quartz, moonstone


5.Aromatherapy Oils

Aromatherapy Oil

Essential oils have a profound effect on balancing our wheels. Aromatherapy may be used to treat a variety of diseases. Aromatherapy oils are extracted from a variety of botanicals. Similar to how various stones connect to different chakras, various oils connect to various chakras as well. These oils can be utilized topically or by breathing them in. Because the oils are quite powerful and might cause skin irritation, they must be diluted with a carrier oil such as olive oil or coconut oil.

The Advantages of Chakra Balancing

You can ensure that your system is healthy by harmonizing the flow of energy through the chakras. The more easily energy can flow through our bodies; the more efficiently we can go through our days. Our bodies, minds, and spirits will be more in tune with one another.

Overall, several cognitive and social elements contribute to the persistence of this view. Because there are so few potential negative implications of chakra alignment, most people who practice it are reluctant to critically challenge their beliefs. Believers in chakra alignment, in general, do not think about or discuss how this belief fits into a larger scientific understanding of how the human body works, possibly because the belief in chakras and chakra alignment is associated with a more spiritual (rather than scientific) framework of beliefs.

The 5 simple strategies to balance your wheels are mentioned above. These are simple because we want you to incorporate them into your daily life. Make it a habit to practice yoga, meditation, and pranayama every morning before you begin your day. Placing crystals around you before meditation increases the energy of the crystals. The use of essential oils can assist to relax and balance the chakras.

Continue reading IFM Core Studio blogs for more interesting articles on mind and body health. For further assistance please reach out to us at Also, check our Lifestyle Balance Program  for further consultation and a better quality of life.

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